BALLET / POINTE: Black leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet slippers with no ties and/or professionally fitted pointe shoes. Colored leotards and ballet shorts are optional for teens+.
CONTEMPORARY: Leotard, Unitard, Shorts and Bra Top. Tights and shoes are optional.
FLEX & STRENGTH/TECHNIQUE: Leotard, Unitard, Shorts and Bra Top. Tights are optional. No Shoes.
JAZZ / HIP-HOP / TAP: Black Leotard, fitted black leggings/shorts tan tights and class-appropriate shoes.
LYRICAL: Black leotard, capri or stirrup tights and paws or turners. Colored leotards and ballet shorts are optional for teens+.
TAP: Tight-fitting athletic or dance apparel. Black Leggings or Dance Shorts.
TUMBLE/ACRO: Leotard, unitard (shorts optional), Capri Tights, footless tights or no tights. No shoes or socks.
TWINKLE TOES & PRE-BALLET: Any color leotard, pink tights and pink leather ballet slippers (please cut ties).
TWINKLE TOES, TAP & PRE-TAP: Pink or black leotard, pink tights, and black tap shoes.
MALE STUDENTS: White or black t-shirt, jazz pants, shorts or warm-up pants and proper dance shoes.
(Ages: 3 - 10 yrs.): Girls 'Juliet' Leather Split Sole Style #2027C in Light Pink
(Ages: 10 yrs. - Teen): Adult 'Juliet' Leather Split Sole Style #2027 in Light Pink
(Ages: 3-10 yrs.): Girls "Turning Pointe 55" Pirouette Shoes Style #H063C in Nude
(Ages 10 yrs. - Teen): Adult "Turning Pointe 55" Pirouette Shoes Style #H063W in Nude
(Ages: All): Balera Mesh half sole Style #B10
(Ages: 3 yrs - 10 yrs): Capezio Mary Jane (Child) Style #3800C in BLACK (not black patent)
(Ages:10yrs.-Teen): Capezio Tic Tap Toe Tap Shoe Style #443 in BLACK
(Advanced Teen Class): Capezio Flex Master Tap Style #CG16 in BLACK
(Ages: All): Bloch Neo Flex slip on jazz shoes, Style# 495 in BLACK or TAN
Shoe style and color may change depending on the classes costume. Please check with your teacher before purchasing new shoes close to a show.
ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend class regularly. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class. Please be on time. Students are encouraged to make up missed classes. No Refunds/Discounts are given for missed classes. Please notify the studio if you are going to be absent (978) 957-8668. If your child’s teacher is absent from class, one of our faculty members will substitute that class. There will be a few Fridays & Saturdays that Teachers & Assistants will be at competition and conventions. Class will have a substitute teacher.
DRESS CODE: No t-shirts, sweatshirts, baggy pants or street clothes are allowed in the studios. No jewelry, gum, candy or sweetened drinks. Only water will be allowed. Hair must be pulled back and up off the neck for all classes. Please label all shoes (inside) & dance bags.
GUEST TEACHERS: Occasionally, 5-6-7-8 Dance Studio will host guest teachers and choreographers. Extra fees may apply for class.
CLASS PARTICIPATION: 5-6-7-8 Dance Studio and the instructors are not liable for personal injuries, loss or damage to personal property. Please inform your instructor of any physical limitations which may prevent your child’s full participation in class.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: If there is a school delay, early dismissal or closing due to inclement weather, all morning classes will be cancelled. Afternoon and/or evening classes may still be held. Please check our website and Facebook page for updates.
WAITING AREA: While classes are being held, please keep noise level to a minimum. Please pick up after yourself, as there will be other classes coming in.
5678 Dance Studio is a PEANUT / TREE NUT FREE zone.
Please avoid bringing foods containing any nuts to the studio.
Only water and healthy snacks are allowed in the studio.
Please have drinks and snacks that are NON-STAINING.
LOST & FOUND: 5-6-7-8 is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Please check the lost & found box located in the lobby promptly, since it will be emptied out the last Sunday of every month.
SHOE EXCHANGE: If you would like to donate your dance shoes, and/or pick up a pair of donated shoes, please see the studio office.
MONTHLY NEWSLETTER: We send out a monthly newsletter via email with important information about schedules, shows, tickets, staff and more! If you do not receive a newsletter each month, please see the office staff to add your email address.
AWARDS: If you have been dancing at 5-6-7-8 for five, ten, or fifteen years, you will receive a trophy at the Annual Recital. Please sign up in studio office.